River to River 5K

REGISTRATION IS OPEN for the Annual River to River Meadowlands 5k Race, August 17th, 2024, which will be held during the Meadowlands Fair in Meadowlands, MN. Registration fee includes a souvenir t-shirt (which can be picked up on race day) and snacks/water after the race. 

Day of race registration and check in start time: 7:30 a.m.
Race start time: 8:30 a.m.

Registration costs $25  prior to race day with a commemorative t-shirt (additional fee for XXL or larger of $5).    Online registration closes at Midnight 8/6/2024. Day of race registration available without t-shirt, $25 registration fee. 

FREE mini River race! Runners 8 years old and younger can participate in their own race. Even though the race is free we ask that you pre-register and indicate the kids age. The Kids race will be held after the main 5k even, (approximately 9:30 a.m.)

Net proceeds will benefit South Ridge Area Youth Baseball. Cash prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female finish. Post-race raffle for all participants. 

To confirm registration and reserve your shirt and size, please pay registration fee at either: 

Venmo: @Linsey-Larson-3
Paypal: @LinseyLarson 

Please indicate on the registration form if you plan to pay day of race with check or cash. 

Checks can be made out to SRAYB and mailed to 
c/o Linsey Larson
6342 Church Rd. 
Alborn, MN 55702
Questions or concerns please email SRAYB5K@gmail.com